Four research groups contribute to the development of the automobile engineering field by using extensive automobile maintenance and measurement equipment.
Center philosophy
In addition to conventional automotive technology, this center will respond to social needs for future automobiles such as environmental technology that realizes carbon neutrality, CASE (Connected, Autonomous/Automated, Shared, Electric) and MaaS (Mobility as a Service). We have organized four groups to address a wide range of technical issues, and are working to contribute to society, disseminate information, and develop human resources.
Head of Center Akira Kato
Aiming for advanced creative research and human resource development that meets the social needs of new technological fields
The Center was reorganized in April 2020 from the former Center for Auto and Mobility Technology with seven faculty and three technical staff: Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Mechanical and Precision Systems five faculty, Department of Aerospace Engineering one faculty, and Department of Information and Electronic Engineering one technical staff. The four groups are "Infrastructure and Environmental Energy," "Safety and Comfort," "AI and Automotive Driving," and "Advanced Air Mobility." These four groups utilize the Automobile Technology Center's staff of qualified mechanics and excellent maintenance and measurement equipment with certified factory qualifications, and in addition to the traditional automotive engineering fields, they are also involved in environmental technology to achieve carbon neutrality and the development of advanced creative research and human resources to meet the needs of society, including new fields known as CASE and MaaS. The program aims to conduct advanced creative research and human resource development in response to social needs, such as environmental technology to realize carbon neutrality and new fields called CASE and MaaS. Specifically, the program will
In the automobile industry, which is said to be a "change period once in 100 years" as research activity support, we have tied up with automobile-related companies located in many locations in Tochigi prefecture, where the Utsunomiya Campus is located, and our faculty members with abundant experience and achievements have made excellent achievements. Promote the production of.
For the purpose of social contribution and information dissemination, we hold experiments / practices using the equipment of certified factories, technical consultation on automobile engineering, and lectures (symposiums) for companies and various organizations.
As human resource development, seminars on measurement and basic technology in equipment by engineers of automobile measurement equipment and equipment manufacturers for new graduate research students in the 4th year, faculty members of this university for Graduate School and young engineers of companies, and automobiles Held seminars on cutting-edge technologies from engineers of related companies
Steering committee
Head of Center Professor Akira Kato
Professor Hideaki Inoue Professor Yoshio Kurosawa Professor Yuichi Hasuda Professor Hiroshi Yoneda Associate Professor Masashi Makita Assistant Professor Naoki Fukuda
(As of January 2024)
Main research contents, facilities and equipment
This center is divided into four groups: Infrastructure/Environmental Energy, Safety/Comfort, AI/Autonomous Driving, and Advanced Air Mobility, and conducts research using the center's own equipment.
This includes research and basic research on reducing exhaust gas on actual roads. Conducting research essential to the future environment We conduct research related to improving the efficiency of automobile engines and reducing exhaust gas. We use CDF software to conduct actual tests and combustion simulations to examine the effects of biofuels on combustion. As research related to RDE, we are conducting research on improving combustion and reducing exhaust gas using PEMS on actual roads, and are achieving results. In addition, using small electric carts, we are conducting research to optimize drive systems such as electric motors and motor control to make electric motors operate more energy-efficiently and smoothly.
Research on vibration and noise, research and analysis of traffic accident risk factors, and work on driving support and accident prevention medical techniques In order to realize a safe and secure car society, we investigate and analyze various traffic accident risk factors from an engineering point of view, reduce occupant injuries in the event of a collision, optimize the vehicle body structure, and provide driving support and accident prevention technologies. I am working on research. In addition, as research related to comfort, we are working on the development of high-frequency in-vehicle noise prediction technology for automobiles, sound absorption and sound insulation analysis of soundproof materials, and research and development of new soundproof structures using CAE and experimental measurement.
Elderly-friendly autonomous driving Supporting the recognition, judgment, and control systems necessary for personal mobility and autonomous driving from the AI field We are conducting research and development on self-driving personal mobility that is friendly to the elderly living in the community. While retaining the function of automatic driving for the last one mile, we aim to support walking exercise according to the walking ability of the elderly and their physical condition at that time. We also support systems that recognize, judge, and control pedestrians and oncoming vehicles required for autonomous driving from the fields of AI and image processing technology. We are also developing a robot that accurately sprays pesticides only on crops by applying these image processing technologies.
Breaking away from the existing image of aircraft and thinking about new flight mobility Drones, which are said to be an ``industrial revolution in the sky,'' have expanded the world of electric flight, and by becoming larger and manned, they are on the verge of breaking down the concept of personal mobility. The time has come to explore new forms of air mobility that break with the existing concepts of air mobility, such as having a propeller and wings or rotating a single rotor. In order to make a difference, we are researching manned/unmanned air mobility using free ideas.
Alignment tester
It is a four-wheel alignment device that arranges and aligns the wheels and axles of an automobile at a fixed angle.
Chassis dynamometer
It is a device that measures the fuel consumption and horsepower of a car.
2 pillar lift
It is possible to perform work that requires the vehicle to be lifted up.
Engine dynamometer
It is a device that evaluates a single engine.
Headlight tester
It is a device that can adjust the optical axis of the headlight and evaluate it.
We publish an annual report once a year as a place to present the activities of this center and the educational and research results of our faculty members. You can view previously published annual reports from the links below.