


  • Media

September 21, 2023

Associate Professor Saeki Explores Tragic Tale of Minamoto no Yoshitsune on BS11's "Lessons from Great Men and Defeat"

In a captivating episode of BS11's "Lessons from Great Men and Defeat" airing on Saturday, September 23, 2023, viewers are in for a treat as Teikyo University Graduate School of Liberal Arts Associate Professor Tomohiro Saeki delves deep into the intricate web of history. The program, dedicated to unraveling the complexities of "historic failures" committed by eminent figures, sheds light on the profound lessons embedded within these events. The episode, titled "Minamoto no Yoshitsune and the Sibling Conflict that Led to Tragedy," meticulously dissects the actions of the legendary figure from both political and military perspectives. This enlightening exploration promises to offer invaluable insights for contemporary life. Don't miss this chance to gain a fresh understanding of history's twists and turns.

Program introduction

■Broadcasting station: BS11
■Broadcast date and time: Saturday, September 23, 2023, 20:00-20:55
■Program title: “Lessons from great men and defeats”

Click here for program details
Click here for information about Associate Professor Tomohiro Saeki

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