


  • Social/Community Engagement

February 27, 2025

Hachioji CampusStudents from Faculty of Education Department of Elementary Education Education, hosted a field trip for students from Nanao Special Needs School, Tokyo Metropolitan Government

On Friday, February 14, 2025, students from Faculty of Education Department of Elementary Education Teikyo University hosted a field trip for third-year students from the high school division of Nanao Special Needs School, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, at Hachioji Campus. This project was planned and managed by students taking Associate Professor Susumu Nakamura's "Educational Studies Seminar/Graduation Research" course at the request of Nanao Special Needs School to conduct a field trip on Hachioji Campus of Teikyo University, and this was the third time it has been held.
On the day, 25 students from Nanao Special Needs School High School visited the school, and first the students introduced Teikyo University and Hachioji Campus with a quiz. Next, they toured the campus, enjoying the view from the 20th floor of Soratio Square, visiting the Media Library Center (MELIC) and ACT Three, and searching for Hachioji Campus mascot "Teebo". After that, they learned about restaurants at the student cafeteria "Soratio Kitchen" for the first time, and shopping at Hachioji Campus store, where the students deepened their interactions with the students while helping with purchasing meal tickets and accounting. The students from Nanao Special Needs School commented, "It was fun talking to the students," "It was a valuable experience. I want to continue to grow."
Students from our university commented, "I learned a lot by seeing how the teachers interacted with the students," and "It was rewarding to see the students happy. I hope it will be a memorable experience." The students gained an opportunity to see how teachers interact with students with disabilities and to deepen their understanding of specialized instruction by observing the actions of special needs school teachers, making it a fruitful experience for both parties.
The Department of Department of Elementary Education Faculty of Education will continue to promote educational collaboration with Nanao Special Needs School and strive to contribute to the local community and develop educational activities.

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