


  • Clubs and Circles

March 6, 2025

Kendo Club held a Kendo class for children from Teikyo University Kindergarten.

On Tuesday, February 25, 2025, the university's Kendo Club held a Kendo class for Teikyo University Kindergarten Teikyo University Martial Arts Center (Hachioji, Tokyo). In order to convey the appeal and fun of Kendo, the class was planned and designed by students themselves, with content appropriate to the age of the children.

On the day, the students were divided into four teams of about five people, and a member of the club was assigned to each group, practicing basic movements such as etiquette, greetings, footwork, and swinging, using bamboo swords of a size appropriate for the children, in a game-like format. The students of our university's Kendo Club were inspired by the smiles of the children, and learned the difficulties of teaching, which was a great opportunity to return to their roots. Teikyo University will continue to create valuable opportunities for students and children to interact in the future.

For more information about Teikyo University Kindergarten click here
Click here for more information about Kendo Club


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