End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Itabashi Campus Building No. 4 1st floor (next to Jujo Elderly Relief Center)
End of reception
End of reception
Venue: Online course (using Zoom)
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
Venue: Online (Zoom)
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
Venue: Online (Zoom), Research Institute of Cultural Properties, Teikyo University Large Hall
End of reception
Venue: Online (Zoom)
End of reception
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Itabashi Campus Building No. 4 1st floor (next to Jujo Elderly Relief Center)
End of reception
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus (9th floor, Hirakawacho Mori Tower)
End of reception
Venue: Online course (using Zoom)
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus (9th floor, Hirakawacho Mori Tower)
End of reception
Venue: Online
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus (9th floor, Hirakawacho Mori Tower)
End of reception
End of reception
会場:オンライン開催。Zoom会議システムを利用しますので 、事前設定と最新版への更新をお願いします。PC?タブレットでビデオ付きで参加をお願いします。 参加直前にZoomミーティングIDと参加方法をお送りいたします。 初めての方は、Zoomの接続練習日を設定しますので、 その旨ご希望をお知らせください。 ※カメラをONにしてご参加ください
End of reception
Venue: Online
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus (9th floor, Hirakawacho Mori Tower)
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus (9th floor, Hirakawacho Mori Tower)
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus (9th floor, Hirakawacho Mori Tower)
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus (9th floor, Hirakawacho Mori Tower)
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus (9th floor, Hirakawacho Mori Tower)
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus (9th floor, Hirakawacho Mori Tower)
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University General Museum (Hachioji Campus Solatio Square B1F)
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University General Museum (Hachioji Campus Solatio Square B1F)
End of reception
End of reception
Venue: Online course (using Zoom webinar)
End of reception
Venue: Online course (using Zoom)
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Building No. 4 1st floor (next to Jujo Elderly Relief Center)
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
Venue: Online (Zoom)
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Museum
End of reception
Venue: Utsunomiya Campus
End of reception
Venue: Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus / Online (Zoom)
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
End of reception
会場:板橋キャンパス 4号館
End of reception