

Division of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies
  • Hachioji Campus
Graduate School of Languages and Cultures Division of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies

A transcendental culture and society
Explore across territories

Overview of the Division of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies

Improve English proficiency
In the master's program, we provide a two-year integrated education as basic training for English communication skills in the international stage. In the 1st year "Practical Foreign Language Seminars I", while paying attention to the differences in ideas between Japanese and English, students improve their English skills for writing papers and giving presentations. In the 2nd year "Practical Foreign Language Seminars IV", students acquire translation skills using text and video media, aiming to improve the English proficiency necessary for highly specialized professionals.

From a basic understanding of transcendental culture
The study of transcendental culture consists of the compulsory subjects "Introduction to transcendental culture" and the specialized subjects "Special lecture on transcendental studies" as well as "Special theory on transcendental studies". "Introduction to transcendental culture" is an introductory lecture that deals with the basic concepts of transcendental culture as a general remark. The specialized subjects "Special lecture on transcendental studies" and "Special theory on transcendental studies" are dealing with individual themes such as religion, literature, political culture, art, society, thought, and representation, and encourage a wide range of courses and related fields. We aim to secure a basic understanding of transcendental culture by advancing organic learning.

Unique Japanese language education
"Transcendental Japanese special theory I?II" is a subject unique to the Division of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies. This course aims to have highly perspective of considering Japanese as a foreign language for Japanese students, and to aquire highly Japanese for foreign students. Futhermore, we aim to foster awareness of transcendental cultures by providing a place to interact each other personally and academically. In the doctoral course, based on the basic knowledge of "transcendence" acquired in the master's course, students will dig into individual themes and write a dissertation.

Outline of Master's Program in Division of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies

Click here for leaflet



Syllabus of the Division of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies Graduate School of Languages and Cultures


Grading Criteria

Grades will be announced on CampusSquare every semester (at the end of the academic year for students taking only full-time courses). However, for the second and fourth semester of the Master's Program and the third and sixth semester of the Doctoral Program, the university will distribute a report card with the result of completion (pass or fail). The evaluation criteria are as follows:

Grading Criteria Score Veredict
S. 100-90 points Pass
A 89-80 points
B. 79-70 points
C. 69-60 points
P Passed
(Thesis Review)
D. 59-0 points Fail


Credit Recognition

Master's Program

  • The number of credits required to complete is 30 credits. (Required subjects ... 10 credits, elective subjects ... 20 credits)
  • Each subject has 2 credits.
  • Methodology Exercises: This is a course to deepen the knowledge of the fields related to students' thesis and to acquire the methodology necessary for writing a thesis. Academic advisor will be decided in the 1st year, and students will take methodological exercises offered by an academic advisor in the 2nd year.
  • The maximum number of courses that can be registered in the 1st year is 12 credits for 6 courses in both the first and second semesters.
  • Completion of the program is attained by satisfying the required number of credits and passing the examination of a dissertation.

Doctoral Program

  • You need 12 credits to complete.
  • Each subject has 4 credits.
  • When you take the neseccary credits and pass the dissertation examination, you will complete.
  • Even if the required number of credits is fulfilled, failure to submit or fail to pass the doctoral dissertation will result in dismissal from the program at the end of the term.
  • (3rd year) If you are graduating from the doctoral program in March, please submit your thesis and other necessary documents to the Graduate Graduate School Office of the Academic Affairs Division by early November.