Admission Info is posted here. When applying, be sure to check the entrance examination guidelines.
About the entrance examination of the School of Medicine
Number of students to be admitted
Admission Capacity
Number of students to be admitted
Comprehensive Selection
School Recommendation type * 1
General Selection
Common test use * 2
Department of Medicine
Temporary capacity
● The number of applicants for each examination category is expected to be the number of applicants who have completed the procedures. ● If the acceptance criteria are not met, the number of successful applicants may not reach the number of students to be admitted.
* 1 We implement a public offering system (exclusive application).
* 2 The selection of the common test for university admission is conducted only in the first admission.
*3 The 77-seat capacity includes one person from the Ibaraki Prefecture special region quota.
*4 We plan to apply for approval of a temporary quota of eight students to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology this fall. The breakdown of the temporary quotas is as follows: Fukushima Prefecture special area quota (2 students), Chiba Prefecture special area quota (2 students), Shizuoka Prefecture special area quota (2 students), Ibaraki Prefecture special area quota (1 student), and Niigata Prefecture special area quota (1 student).
*5 Under the general selection special regional quota, we are planning to recruit 2 people for the Fukushima Prefecture Regional Medical Physician Tuition Fund, 2 people for the Chiba Prefecture Physician Tuition Loan Scheme, 2 people for the Shizuoka Prefecture Medical Training Fund, 2 people for the Ibaraki Prefecture Regional Medical Physician Tuition Loan Scheme, and 1 person for the Niigata Prefecture Physician Training Tuition Loan Scheme Priority Course.
Entrance examination methods
Please select the entrance examination type you plan to take.
Eligible applicants
Those who have graduated from high school or secondary school in March 2024 or are scheduled to graduate in March 2025.
Selection Process
Primary selection
Essay assignment
Group discussion
Interview Time: Approximately 10 minutes / Format: two faculty members for one examinee.
Activity Report
Document screening (School records, etc.)
Secondary selection
Only those who pass the first round of selection and apply for the second round of selection will be considered for the 2025 University Entrance Examination, where the pass/fail result will be determined based on the total score of the highest four subjects in the subjects and courses designated by the university.
Entrance examination schedule
[First selection] ■Application period: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 to Thursday, October 10, 2024 ■ Screening date: Saturday, October 19, 2024 ■ Result announcement date: Friday, November 1, 2024
[Second selection] (Only for those who pass the first selection) ■Application period: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 to Wednesday, December 25, 2024 ■Selection test date: University Entrance Common Test ■ Result announcement date: Friday, February 14, 2025
Designated Subjects
Course selection
Foreign language
"English" * 1
“Mathematics I” “Mathematics I, Mathematics A” “Mathematics II, Mathematics B, Mathematics C”
1 subject selection * 2
(Transitional Subjects for the Old Course) "Old Mathematics I" "Old Mathematics I/Old Mathematics A" "Old Mathematics II" "Old Mathematics II/Old Mathematics B"
"Physics" "Chemistry" "Biology"
Select 2 subjects
*1 For "English," the scores for reading (maximum 100 points) and listening (maximum 100 points) will be compressed to a maximum of 50 points each and the combined score will be used.
* 2 If you take two or more subjects, the subject with the highest score is adopted for pass or fail judgment.
Eligible applicants
Open enrollment for participants (exclusive application)
Applicants must meet all of the following requirements and be recommended by a high school principal or secondary school principal
Applicants must be expected to graduate from high school or secondary school in March 2025, be in good health both physically and mentally, and be able to adapt to six years of medical education, including practical training.
Those who have a grade of 4.0 or higher in the entire survey for their grades up to the first semester of the final year of high school or secondary school.
Applicants must be able to make a firm commitment to enroll if accepted.
Selection Process
Basic ability aptitude test (3 subjects method)
Short Essay
Interview Time: Approximately 10 minutes / Format: two faculty members for one examinee.
Document screening (School records, etc.)
Entrance examination schedule
Open recruitment system ■Application period: Friday, November 1, 2024 to Monday, November 11, 2024 ■ Screening date: Sunday, November 17, 2024 ■ Result announcement date: Monday, December 2, 2024
Basic Skills Aptitude Test
3 subjects method
Course selection
Select one subject from three subjects ?
Short Essay
Subjests content
Short Essay
Write your own thoughts on the given topic using all the keywords in 1000 words or less
Available benefits and systems
English External Testing System If you meet the standard score for the English qualification/proficiency test specified by our university, you can use the results of an external English test by applying. In the School of School of Medicine 's school recommendation-based selection (open application system), the results will be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to accept students. For details, please see the "Entrance Examination Guidelines 2025".
Selection Process
Primary selection
Departamental proficiency test
Document screening (School records, etc.)
Secondary selection (only for those who passed the primary selection)
Assignment essay Question content: Write your own thought within 300 characters using all the keywords for the theme.
Interview Time: Approximately 10 minutes / Format: two faculty members for one examinee.
Entrance examination schedule
[First selection] ■Application period: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 to Wednesday, January 15, 2025 ■ Screening exam dates: Thursday, January 23, Friday, January 24, Saturday, January 25, 2025 [Free selection of exam date] ■ Result announcement date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
[Second selection] (Only for those who pass the first selection) ■ Screening exam dates: Thursday, February 6th and Friday, February 7th, 2025 * ■ Result announcement date: Friday, February 14, 2025
* Please select one day at the time of application.
Free choice of test days You can take the test for 3 days or 1 day at a time.
Departamental proficiency test
Course selection
Select two subjects out of five subjects ?
Selection Process
Primary selection
For the 2025 National Center Test for University Admissions, applicants will be determined based on their grades in subjects and courses designated by the university, with the total score of the three highest subjects being used to determine pass/fail.
Three-subject method: Pass/fail will be determined based on the total score of the three highest subjects. Five-subject method: Pass/fail will be determined based on the total score of the five highest subjects. The Common Test for University Admissions selection, application is required for the three-subject method, and applicants can also apply for the five-subject method.
Secondary selection
Only those who have passed the first screening are judged by conducting an English (long reading comprehension) test, an assignment writing test, and an interview, which are unique to the university. The interview is conducted for about 10 minutes by two faculty members for each examinee.
Subjests content
English (Long reading comprehension)
Read long sentences in English and write abstracts within 200 characters and opinions within 400 characters in Japanese.
Assignment essay
Write your own thoughts within 300 characters, using all the keywords for the theme.
Entrance examination schedule
[First period: First selection] ■Application period: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 to Friday, January 17, 2025 ■Selection test date: University Entrance Common Test ■ Result announcement date: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
[First term: Second selection] (Only for those who pass the first selection) ■ Screening date: Monday, February 17, 2025 ■ Result announcement date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Designated Subjects
Individual academic ability test, etc.
Foreign language
"English" * 1
English (Long Reading Comprehension) Essay assignment interview (Limited to those who pass the first selection)
"Japanese" ※2
In the case of the 3-subject method: Select 2 subjects *3 In the case of the 5-subject method, "Japanese" is required, Choose 3 subjects from "Mathematics" and "Science" ※4
“Mathematics I” “Mathematics I, Mathematics A” “Mathematics II, Mathematics B, Mathematics C”
(Transitional Subjects for the Old Course) "Old Mathematics I" "Old Mathematics I/Old Mathematics A" "Old Mathematics II" "Old Mathematics II/Old Mathematics B"
"Physics" "Chemistry" "Biology"
*1 For "English," the scores for reading (maximum 100 points) and listening (maximum 100 points) will be compressed to a maximum of 50 points each and the combined score will be used.
*2 For "Japanese," two scores will be calculated: one is the score obtained by compressing "modern writings" (maximum of 110 points) to a maximum of 100 points, and the other is the score obtained by adding "modern writings" (maximum of 110 points) to "classical writings (classical Japanese and classical Chinese)" (maximum of 90 points) (maximum of 200 points) and compressing it to a maximum of 100 points, and the higher score will be used.
*3 Combinations of "two mathematics subjects" are not permitted. If you take three or more subjects, the two highest scores will be used to determine whether you pass or fail.
*4 If you take four or more subjects, the three highest scores will be used to determine your pass/fail status.