

研究とSDGsのつながりを知る。TEIKYO SDGs Report 帝京大学の先生たちが行っている研究活動内容がどのようにSDGsとつながっているのかをひも解きます。

私の研究活動はSDGs17の目標の「2.13.15」に関連します。Koji Miyamoto

Associate Professor Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Biosciences Teikyo University

Professor Koji Miyamoto?


After completing his doctoral course Graduate School School of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo, he became a specially appointed researcher at the Biotechnology Research Center at the University of Tokyo. He will be Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Faculty of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Department of Biosciences, Teikyo University from 2018, and Associate Professor from 2024. He also serves as Associate Professor at the Advanced Instrumentation Analysis Center at the same university.

WHAT ARE 17GOALS OF SDGs? SDGsとは、「Sustainable Development Goals(持続可能な開発目標)」の略称であり、2030年までに達成すべき17の目標を掲げています。

“稲”の未来 人間社会を支える重要な穀物「稲」を研究している宮本皓司先生。病害抵抗性などの研究を進めており、急速に進む気候変動に対応する品種改良においても成果があがりつつある。稲の研究は食料問題に寄与すると同時に、研究を通してSDGsの構造的な問題解決へのヒントが得られるのではないだろうか。

01. 世界中で研究が進んでいるイネ科の植物

The world's three largest cereals, rice, wheat, and corn, are all grasses. Rice has been considered so important across the world that a huge research network has been formed on its own for the study of food plants.

02. 穀物の大量生産化と同時に外的環境の変化に強い稲が求められる

Since the Industrial Revolution, when mass production of grains became possible, the damage caused by diseases and pests also increased. The development of strong rice became essential to solving the food problems of humanity. Professor Miyamoto studies resistance to external environments such as high temperatures, low temperatures, dryness, and pests, or in other words, the "survival ability of rice." Especially in recent years, as global warming progresses, research on high temperature resistance has attracted attention.

03. モデル生物の遺伝子情報を利用した植物の研究

In recent years, research using genetic information from model plants has progressed, and plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana are used in basic research around the world. Researchers are exchanging information about genes that can be applied to rice.

04. グローバルな研究ネットワークがスピーディな品種改良を可能に

Understanding how genes affect rice growth and environmental adaptation will enable efficient ecological analysis and breeding. Research on grains, which account for the majority of human calorie intake, is progressing simultaneously around the world, leading to solutions to problems.

05. 植物研究における協力体制にSDGs解決のヒントが

To achieve the SDGs, we need to share resources and show the way to a solution, going beyond differences in perspective and environment. The global cooperative research on plants, including rice, holds many clues for achieving the SDGs.